Ines van Rahden

Ines van Rahden has four rabbits, six chicken, two daughters, and one husband with whom she lives in a beautiful small town between Hamburg and Bremen. She has loved writing for as long as she can remember. Ten years ago, her passion became her profession, and she began publishing articles in various newspapers and magazines. Her work as a journalist has taken her many places and had a great impact on her life. The most vividly remembered is that long day in prison.

Blog posts by Ines van Rahden:

Writing Life: From Theory to Practice
Story­telling is as old as human civ­i­liza­tion itself and ful­fills a human need. In soci­eties, in which edu­ca­tion is becom­ing more com­mod­i­fied, stu­dents do not only … Continue reading Writing Life: From Theory to Practice