Charlina Strelow

While Charlina likes her major, cultural studies, as a whole, she’s most passionate about literature. Currently, she’s trying to read one book from every country in the world. So far, her favorites are from Turkey, India, and Vietnam.

Blog posts by Charlina Strelow:

Dear Ocean Vuong, Your Writing Is Gorgeous
Is it okay to dog-ear or write in your books? This ques­tion remains a heat­ed top­ic among read­ers. I always thought it was stu­pid to care … Continue reading Dear Ocean Vuong, Your Writing Is Gorgeous

Jury Duty’s Ronald Gladden or How to Accidentally Become a Star
Remem­ber “The Tru­man Show,” the icon­ic 90s movie star­ring Jim Car­rey who slow­ly real­izes that his entire life is being filmed against his will and broad­cast … Continue reading Jury Duty’s Ronald Gladden or How to Accidentally Become a Star

Studying With Limited Freedom of Speech: My Semester in Hong Kong
In 2021, Pres­i­dent Biden offered a safe haven to Hong Kong res­i­dents in the U.S., which allowed them to pro­long their stay for up to 18 … Continue reading Studying With Limited Freedom of Speech: My Semester in Hong Kong