Everyone has a friend who hates Christmas. Guess what? I’m that friend. The first time I told a friend of mine that I dislike Christmas, I could see pure confusion in her eyes. She started asking me why, what happened, and if I had any trauma. At first, I thought that not liking it was wrong. I mean, how can someone not like the most wonderful time of the year? Then, I came to a conclusion: it’s because of society. Have you ever noticed what happens after Thanksgiving?
When Thanksgiving is over and you’ve thrown out all the fall decorations, the Christmas madness starts with your grandma asking, “What do you want for Christmas?” I’ll never quite understand why people are in a hurry to buy gifts. I hate buying presents, not because I’m not good at it, but because I want to find the perfect ones for my friends and family. The main problem is that I try not to think about Christmas until December, and on December 1, I realize that I’m already running behind. This usually leads to a spiral of desperation and procrastination and ends with me buying random and awful gifts three days before the big day.
I have to admit that presents aren’t the worst part of Christmas. That role belongs to the long, boring, and stressful Christmas lunch. Relatives that you’ve never seen in your entire life come to your house to have an amazing time filled with the Christmas spirit. That’s when you realize that in another life you must have been an actor because when you say “It’s so good to see you!” the only thing you’re thinking of is, “Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?” But the show must go on, and you have to pretend you’re happy and that your life is incredibly perfect, even if everything is falling apart.
When lunch starts there’ll always be someone who looks you in the eye and says: “Are you still single?” “When will you graduate?” and “Have you found a job yet?” That’s a thing I’ll never understand. What makes people think asking these questions is a good idea?
After years of faking it, I realized that you don’t have to pretend that everything’s perfect and that you’re happy to see relatives you didn’t even know of. You can be grumpy and say the truth about your not-so-cool life.
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