Have you ever wondered, between decorating your Christmas tree and looking for presents, what for God’s sake you’re doing? Theoretically, you’re supposed to be preparing for Jesus’s birthday, but do you actually do it? Maybe you’re not even a Christian.
I don’t know why, but I have this strong feeling that most Christians have forgotten ‘the reason for the season’. Of course, we still celebrate the birth of Christ, maybe even louder than before. Definitely earlier than before. Shop owners so much love to celebrate Jesus’s birthday that they start their marketing campaigns and promote Christmas products at the beginning of September already. I think God would be proud. There are, however, more inconsistencies.
Let’s move on to another tradition – Advent. I’m wondering if these people who for over 3 weeks open the little doors on their Advent calendars filled with chocolates, cosmetics, or other items, comprehend the actual meaning of Christmas. I thought Christians are supposed to prepare for Jesus’s birthday, but to be honest, I have no idea what role a reindeer-shaped chocolate could possibly play in those preparations.
Then comes another surprise. Since we’re talking about somebody’s birthday, we can’t forget about presents. For ourselves, of course. Many people probably remember Saint Nicholas, the bishop who gave his money to the poor. But how did we come from giving away our savings to people in need to getting the newest PlayStation for ourselves? But stop. Hold on. What if I’m wrong? What if I’m just a bit too cynical? What if it’s ok that people can’t wait to spend their last money for gifts nobody wants? I do feel a bit guilty for judging this situation through my ‘anti-Christmas’ glasses. To me, however, God is still more meaningful during Christmas time than Santa.
And on a side note: Just after writing these sentences, I stumbled upon the following headline: “Italian church apologizes after bishop tells children ‘Santa does not exist’.” Bishop Antonio Staglianò stated during a religious event that Santa Claus was created by Coca Cola (which is not true, by the way) and that he doesn’t exist. People attacked him for having ruined Christmas for Italian children and made him apologize.
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