Clap & Freeze: A Recipe for Instant Drama

By Maryann Henck

ook­ing for a quick-paced impromp­tu improv game? How about a round of “Clap & Freeze” – a fun-filled game for hon­ing your ver­bal and non-ver­bal act­ing skills! All you is need is some space to move around in and at least 6 open-mind­ed par­tic­i­pants – the more, the merrier.


Recipe for Instant Drama

  1. Select two par­tic­i­pants: One is the game leader, and the oth­er is the fol­low­er. The select­ed leader should begin act­ing out a scene, and the fol­low­er has to react, e.g. the leader asks for the follower’s hand in mar­riage, and the fol­low­er either accepts or rejects the proposal.
  2. When any par­tic­i­pant from the group has watched enough of this scene, they need to inter­vene by clap­ping – the sig­nal for the leader and the fol­low­er to freeze immediately.
  3. The new par­tic­i­pant becomes the new leader, taps one of the oth­er par­tic­i­pants on the shoul­der and takes their place. Then the leader ini­ti­ates a com­plete­ly new sce­nario, e.g. turn­ing the mar­riage pro­pos­al into an evening of drink­ing with the guys.

Inter­est­ed in watch­ing actor Kieron Freigang and my “Dra­ma­tize This!” sem­i­nar per­form Clap & Freeze live and in col­or? Then click on this video:

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