Questions. Questions. There are always questions, especially when dealing with the Old Order Amish. And questions there were – plenty of questions – following The New York Times best-selling author Ira Wagler’s talk at the Plain People Conference at Leuphana University. In fact, the Q&A ran slightly longer than his introductory remarks to Growing Up Amish. Of course, this really shouldn’t be surprising since Wagler has a unique way of connecting with his audience, an audience on this particular sweltering evening made up of scholars, students, upper-secondary English teachers, and residents of Lüneburg. Reflecting the diversity of that delightful audience, the questions dealt with everything from trauma to the Pennsylvania Dutch. So, if you are Ira Wagler’s fan, an avid American Studies Blog reader, or a student trying to pep up your presentation on the Amish, you can be sure to find ample food for thought.
Wishing for more? Then tune in next week for Part II.
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