The Ultimate Christmas Movie Playlist

By Daria Radler

Ah, Christ­mas! The hol­i­days are around the cor­ner, and this means a com­bi­na­tion of an incred­i­ble amount of deli­cious food (don’t we all love Grandma’s cook­ing?!) as well as presents and some qual­i­ty time with our fam­i­lies that we’ve either looked for­ward to or have secret­ly dread­ed for months. Either way, I’m sure that by now you have prob­a­bly estab­lished a lit­tle fam­i­ly tra­di­tion of your own when it comes to decid­ing on your ulti­mate Christ­mas movie selec­tion. So let’s look at a few movies that should def­i­nite­ly make your list.


  1. It’s a Won­der­ful Life (1946)
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George Bai­ley has spent his entire life devot­ing him­self to the peo­ple of Bed­ford Falls. Bro­ken and sui­ci­dal on Christ­mas Eve, he decides that his fam­i­ly and friends would be bet­ter off with­out him. What he doesn’t know is that they have prayed for him to get through these hard times, and that their prayers have been heard: His guardian angel Clarence falls to earth to show him how dif­fer­ent the lives of his loved ones would have been if it wasn’t for him. Heart­warm­ing­ly beau­ti­ful and deeply mov­ing, It’s a Won­der­ful Life teach­es us how much it means to look after one anoth­er – a mes­sage that makes this movie worth watch­ing over and over again.

  1. Christ­mas Vaca­tion (1989)
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Christ­mas with the fam­i­ly can be a bit of a haz­ardous com­bi­na­tion that you might know only too well. We can’t help but love them uncon­di­tion­al­ly, yet that doesn’t mean they can’t still dri­ve us nuts. But still, you think your fam­i­ly is full-on crazy? By the end of this movie you might actu­al­ly be grate­ful for what you’ve got because –believe me – the Gris­wold fam­i­ly is head­ed for trou­ble! A mod­ern Christ­mas clas­sic, Christ­mas Vaca­tion shouldn’t be miss­ing from this year’s movie marathon.


  1. Home Alone (1990)
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Remem­ber when you were lit­tle and the idea of hav­ing the whole house to your­self sound­ed like the great­est and most adven­tur­ous thing on earth? Eight-year-old Kevin def­i­nite­ly knows what that feels like. He clear­ly is the under­dog in his fam­i­ly and has decid­ed that fam­i­lies suck. When his moth­er sends him upstairs the night before their depar­ture to spend Christ­mas in France, he can bare­ly believe that his wish is about to come true. What fol­lows is a row of crazy adven­tures in and around the house; yet, as Christ­mas Day comes clos­er, lit­tle Kevin starts to tru­ly miss the com­pa­ny of his family.


Hap­py Hol­i­days and Mer­ry Christmas!

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