Celebrating African American History Month with Claytee White

Clay­tee White, Inau­gur­al Direc­tor of the Oral His­to­ry Research Cen­ter for the Uni­ver­si­ty of Neva­da, Las Vegas Libraries, spon­ta­neous­ly grant­ed us an inter­view about the col­lec­tion of oral his­to­ry in and near Las Vegas dur­ing our study trip to Las Vegas in 2014. White, one of five founders of the Las Vegas Black Soci­ety, Inc., col­lects the oral his­to­ry of the black com­mu­ni­ty in Las Vegas estab­lished in 1905. Some­what ner­vous, our stu­dents were at first hes­i­tant to ask ques­tions, but Clay­tee White’s enthu­si­as­tic and warm per­son­al­i­ty made us feel at ease after a short while. Her vast knowl­edge about Las Vegas his­to­ry and great enthu­si­asm for the “African Amer­i­can Expe­ri­ence in Las Vegas” col­lec­tion was and is evi­dent to all. See for yourself:

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