A Night in Berlin with Michael Lederer

By Grant Helle

The U.S. Embassy Lit­er­a­ture Series at the Eng­lish The­atre Berlin in coop­er­a­tion with Pal­mArt­Press pre­sent­ed Michael Led­er­er on Feb­ru­ary 11, 2014. In the fol­low­ing video, Led­er­er reads from his new nov­el Cadaqués and takes part in a dis­cus­sion with mod­er­a­tor Dr. Her­bert Grieshop. The sto­ry is set in a quaint fish­ing vil­lage along the Spanish/French bor­der and depicts the lives of a group of hard-drink­ing writ­ers and artists.

Michael Led­er­er is an Amer­i­can writer who lives in Berlin, Dubrovnik, and Cadaqués. His first nov­el, Cadaqués, was pub­lished in Feb­ru­ary 2014. He has just writ­ten his sec­ond nov­el, Don Quixote Sav­ing Amer­i­ca.

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