An essay ‘about’ AI, written ‘by’ AI. Maybe even ‘for’ AI? As my kids say, “Are we there yet?” It feels less like we’re crossing the Rubicon, more like crossing the space-time manifold. Our “Hal moment.” [Editor’s note: Hal, the most infamous engineering icon in literary/cinematic history, who attempts to take over the space ship from the humans aboard.] Computer both provider and consumer, what could go wrong? Read more
Tag Archives: AI
Found in Translation

Full disclosure: I’ve written this blog on my behalf. Or in eigener Sache, as I would say in German. Is there a difference between the two expressions? Worlds, I would say, as someone who is preoccupied with language translation most days of the week. In light of the rapid proliferation and evolution of machine-learning translators, here’s to what makes thinking, speaking, and writing with diverse languages invaluably human.