Tag Archives: Massachusetts State Seal

“By the Sword We Seek Peace”: The 1620 Massachusetts State Flag and Legacies in 2020

By Christoph Strobel

was late in June 2015. I was on a trip through the south­ern Unit­ed States and decid­ed to take a quick detour to explore the area around South Carolina’s state­house in the city of Colum­bia. Here, only a few days ear­li­er, Brit­tany (“Bree”) New­some, had scaled a 30-foot flag­pole to take down the Con­fed­er­ate flag, an act that had cap­tured nation­al and inter­na­tion­al media head­lines. This inci­dent was one of sev­er­al notable recent flash­points in the cul­ture wars that rage over issues of his­toric commemoration.

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