Tag Archives: National Bird-Feeding Month

Feeding Feathered Friends in February – National Bird-Feeding Month

By Veronika M. Heinrich

Christ­mas and New Year’s Eve are over. Now it’s already Feb­ru­ary, but Valentine’s Day is not real­ly your thing? Wor­ry not! Nation­al Bird-Feed­ing Month has arrived.

It’s just the right time of the year to pro­vide our feath­ered friends with food and water in our back­yards, then sit in front of the win­dow to watch them. It’s a great delight to see them feast on seeds. You can get in touch with nature, take a moment to relax, and help the envi­ron­ment. It’s also cheap, and kids will have a lot of fun learn­ing the dif­fer­ent birds’ names.

You’re not famil­iar with the A and O of bird-feed­ing yet? Don’t wor­ry about this either – I’ve been feed­ing birds in my yard for years. Let me feed you the most impor­tant tit­bits you need to know to participate!

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