Tricks or Treats – Halloween Goes German

By Daria Radler

"Lit Jack-o'-lantern glowing menacingly" by huk_flickr - originally posted to Flickr as pumpkin pie. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons -’s the time of the year for the undead to become alive again and for the liv­ing to be giv­en the creeps. It’s a time of the year that chil­dren have been look­ing for­ward to for months and that even adults get excit­ed about. The end of Octo­ber marks the time of Hal­loween: spooky cos­tumes, scary pump­kins, and pos­si­bly sev­er­al bags filled with sweets and candy.


Even though the tra­di­tion of Hal­loween is a fair­ly recent phe­nom­e­non in Ger­many, you’ll find frights and thrills aplen­ty. So in case you don’t have any­thing planned yet, here are some ideas for you:

Have you ever thought about cel­e­brat­ing Hal­loween in a theme park? Movie Park Ger­many opens its doors for the “Hal­loween Hor­ror Fest Sweet 16”. Dive into a world of zom­bies, mon­sters, and undead crea­tures to cel­e­brate the fest’s 16th birth­day in five hor­ror mazes.

If you’re up for some fun before fad­ing into the night’s dark­ness, you should check out this year’s zom­bie walks that take place in sev­er­al Ger­man cities. Have a look at Mask World to find out what hap­pens in your hometown!

You’re not real­ly the dress-up-kind-of-per­son? There is no rea­son to wor­ry. You can always vis­it Ludwigburg’s famous pump­kin exhi­bi­tion to get in the right mood for Hal­loween. This year’s theme: Pump­kin Roy­al – a fun and enter­tain­ing hap­pen­ing for lit­er­al­ly every­one from the very young to the very old.

Pump­kins are cool, but you’re up for the real creeps? Check out spe­cial Hal­loween events at the Dun­geon in Ham­burg or Berlin! These “Homes of Hal­loween” open their doors for the bravest of all, pre­sent­ing you with an eerie show that you will most like­ly remem­ber for the rest of your life – should you survive!

If you secret­ly wish that Hal­loween last­ed just a lit­tle longer – here’s anoth­er treat for you! The twelfth Week­end of Hor­rors takes place from Novem­ber 14–16 in Ober­hausen. On 6,000 m² you can spend an excit­ing week­end filled with stars, great shows, and activ­i­ties that are bound to make you shiv­er with pure horror.

And if you can’t go to any of these events, you can always watch this video:

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Hap­py Hal­loween, everyone!

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