Maple Leaf & Stars and Stripes 

By Maria Moss and Sabrina Völz

We’re in our ninth year of Maple Leaf & Stars and Stripes– if this lec­ture series were a child, it would be in third grade by now.

We’re espe­cial­ly proud to announce this year’s bilin­gual (German/English) kick­off talk by Peter Worts­man, New York author and trans­la­tor of Aus­tri­an-Jew­ish descent. Inter­est­ing­ly, he’s the recip­i­ent of the Geert­je Potash-Suhr Pros­apreis. Cit­i­zens of Lüneb­urg will rec­og­nize this pres­ti­gious award, named after for­mer Lüneb­urg res­i­dent Geert­je Suhr.

On Octo­ber 24, we will also be announc­ing the win­ner of the Amer­i­can Stud­ies Blog con­test in the Access Amer­i­ca cat­e­go­ry. The writer of the win­ning blog, which will be post­ed on Octo­ber 30, will be present.

Please join us for an excit­ing evening in build­ing 12, room 013, from 18:15 to 19:45 at Leuphana Uni­ver­si­ty Lüneb­urg, Uni­ver­sität­sallee 1. Click here for the cam­pus map.

All lec­tures are open to the pub­lic – and feel free to bring a friend!

Oct. 24

Peter Worts­man (writer and trans­la­tor, New York), “Read­ing from Stimme und Atem. Out of Breath, Out of Mind

Nov. 14

Michael Louis Moser (TU Dres­den), “The Evo­lu­tion of Polit­i­cal Moments on Net­work TV: Late Night from Steve Allen to Stephen Colbert”

Nov. 21

Andreas Hüb­n­er (Leuphana), “’Their mot­to is not lib­er­ty, but slav­ery’: Con­fed­er­ate Mon­u­ments, White Suprema­cy, and the Lega­cy of Jim Crow”

Dec. 12

Hel­ga Bories-Sawala (Uni­ver­sität Bre­men), “Indi­ens, Sauvages, Amérin­di­ens, Pre­mières Nations: Das Bild der Indi­ge­nen in den Geschichts­büch­ern Québecs”

Jan. 9

Silke Hack­e­nesch (Uni­ver­sität zu Köln), “Tran­sra­cial Adop­tions in Post­war America”

Jan. 23

Mieke Rosch­er (Uni­ver­sität Kas­sel), “Cur­rent Objec­tives of His­tor­i­cal Human-Ani­mal Stud­ies: Inter­species Soci­eties after the Ani­mal Turn”

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