A Reading with Teju Cole

photo credit: Teju Cole
pho­to cred­it: Teju Cole

Amer­i­can writer Teju Cole reads from his nov­el, Open City (2011) at the U.S. Embassy in Berlin. In this award-win­ning first-per­son nar­ra­tive, Cole recounts the sto­ry of a Niger­ian-Ger­man psy­chi­a­trist in New York who – in best flâneur fash­ion – strolls the streets of Man­hat­tan. In the course of his walk­ing med­i­ta­tions, his pro­tag­o­nist reveals both his own sense of loss and the strug­gles of a nation try­ing to regain a sense of direc­tion after the trau­ma of 9/11.
Open City is Teju Cole’s sec­ond nov­el; his first, Every Day Is for the Thief, was until now avail­able only in Nige­ria, where it was pub­lished in 2007. Teju Cole will be a res­i­dent at the “Lit­er­arisches Col­lo­qui­um Berlin” (LCB) this spring and give sev­er­al read­ings through­out Gemany. Dates will be pub­lished on the Amer­i­can Stud­ies Jour­nal Face­book site soon.


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