Tag Archives: American Studies

On Bloomsday, Dublin Comes to Many U.S. Cities or ‘Milly Bloom Also Has a Few Words to Say’

By Deborah A. Cecere

James Joyce stat­ue, Earl Street North, Dublin https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:James_Joyce_statue,_Dublin_1998.jpg

What does the nov­el Ulysses (1922) by James Joyce (1882–1941) have to do with Amer­i­can Stud­ies? The answer is sim­ple: Blooms­day is an annu­al lit­er­ary fes­ti­val cel­e­brat­ed in many U.S. cities, around the globe, and par­tic­u­lar­ly in Dublin, the set­ting of the nov­el. The event is named for one of the novel’s pro­tag­o­nists, Leopold Bloom. The nov­el takes place on June 16, 1904, the day that James Joyce met his lat­er wife, Nora Bar­na­cle. Cel­e­bra­tion activ­i­ties include dress­ing up in peri­od cos­tumes, read­ings, the­ater per­for­mances, film screen­ings, and art exhibits asso­ci­at­ed with the nov­el and Joyce’s writ­ings and life. The live­li­ness of the fes­ti­vals tes­ti­fies to the fun of read­ing Ulysses, espe­cial­ly if it’s read aloud. The nov­el is often mis­tak­en­ly described as inscrutable for the aver­age read­er, but it is per­haps more accu­rate­ly described as sur­pris­ing­ly readable.

In hon­or of Blooms­day, I’ve imag­ined a tongue-in-cheek let­ter of con­do­lence from Mil­ly Bloom, now fifty-two, but at the time of the nov­el the fif­teen-year-old daugh­ter of Leopold Bloom and his wife, Mol­ly, to Mrs. Joyce (born Nora Bar­na­cle). The let­ter is dat­ed 1941, nine­teen years fol­low­ing the novel’s pub­li­ca­tion and thir­ty-sev­en years fol­low­ing that famous day in Dublin in 1904.

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Digital American Studies – The ASB Editors’ Favorite Picks (Part I)

By Sabrina Völz

Cred­it: “Netiquette1” by Helen DeWaard

Every­one is writ­ing about the shift to dig­i­tal teach­ing in wake of the coro­n­avirus cri­sis. The focus on Twit­ter and diverse blogs seems to be main­ly on how to use var­i­ous con­fer­enc­ing and dig­i­tal tools, such as Zoom, Flip Grid, and Padlet. Since both Maria and I live in some­what rur­al areas with unbe­liev­ably poor inter­net con­nec­tions, com­plete home office is not a pos­si­bil­i­ty for us, and we are won­der­ing how many stu­dents will have prob­lems to use tools that require a high-speed inter­net con­nec­tion. Those stu­dents won’t have the oppor­tu­ni­ty, though, to make use of uni­ver­si­ty resources as we can. For that rea­son alone – and we are sure there are many oth­ers – most of the advice columns say to keep dig­i­tal class­es sim­ple and syn­chro­nous learn­ing lim­it­ed. We would, there­fore, like to offer our read­ers a few sug­ges­tions for the teach­ing of Amer­i­can Stud­ies that may ease the bur­den. Why re-cre­ate the wheel when you don’t need to?

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