Tag Archives: Sustainability

Going Green with Gamified Learning: Advancing Sustainability through Interactive Learning

By Taieb Oussaifi and Torben Schmidt

As I com­pose this blog post, a dis­qui­et­ing real­i­ty is emerg­ing: record-break­ing tem­per­a­tures are soar­ing to unprece­dent­ed heights, thrust­ing the world into the clutch­es of dire reper­cus­sions. Touristy sites, once char­ac­ter­ized by pleas­ant tem­per­a­tures, have now mor­phed into a relent­less bat­tle­ground against cli­mate crises. The recent heat waves in South­ern Europe and North­ern Africa as well as the wild­fires in Cana­da and on Hawaii stand as an unequiv­o­cal reminder that cli­mate change rep­re­sents a seri­ous threat need­ing imme­di­ate and col­lec­tive action.

In light of these alarm­ing cir­cum­stances, the sig­nif­i­cance of sus­tain­abil­i­ty edu­ca­tion becomes all the more appar­ent in rais­ing aware­ness and equip­ping future gen­er­a­tions with the nec­es­sary knowl­edge and skills to com­bat cli­mate change’s esca­lat­ing tolls.

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The Environmental Impact of Filmmaking

By Jannik Schümann

Two things you should know about me that at first glance might have noth­ing in com­mon: First, I love to watch movies and series – to dive into oth­er worlds, to escape from real­i­ty, and just to have a good time. For me, there’s noth­ing bet­ter than going to the movies or lying on the couch on a rainy Sun­day, watch­ing a good movie, or bing­ing a series. I even play a piv­otal role in their cre­ation as I work as an actor myself. Sec­ond, I con­scious­ly try to live sus­tain­ably because what we con­sume or do has a direct impact on the world’s ecosys­tems. I don’t eat meat, I don’t dri­ve a car; instead, I use my bike or pub­lic trans­port. And I pay atten­tion to labels to sup­port com­pa­nies ded­i­cat­ed to sus­tain­able pro­duc­tion and fair wages for laborers.

Pho­to cred­it: Dominic Wunderlich

Two years ago, when I first read about the envi­ron­men­tal impact of film­mak­ing in The Guardian, I was shocked. I hadn’t real­ized that my love for movies and for my job could seri­ous­ly con­flict with my ded­i­ca­tion to the envi­ron­ment. Because the truth is: Block­buster films with bud­gets of over $70 mil­lion pro­duce an aver­age of 2,840 tons of CO2 per pro­duc­tion. That is equiv­a­lent to 11 one-way trips from the earth to the moon!

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Six Tips for Perfect Presents – And They’re Sustainable!

By Veronika M. Heinrich

Like every year, Christ­mas always sneaks up and sud­den­ly you’re con­front­ed with one of the most impor­tant tasks of the sea­son: gift shopping.

The shop­ping malls are crowd­ed, every­thing seems to be on sale, and above all, you feel that the gift should be sus­tain­able. Find­ing some­thing that ben­e­fits your wal­let and the envi­ron­ment is hard. But fear not! This year, I’ve cre­at­ed a check­list to make find­ing the right present eas­i­er for you.

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Clicks for the Future: Alternative Search Engines Help Students Surf the Web Sustainably

By Janne Wilsdorf and Milica Stanojic

Cred­it: Mable Amber

Look­ing out for fea­si­ble, effec­tive, and easy ways to stop cli­mate change has become an impor­tant goal in our dai­ly lives. As one of the least con­tem­plat­ed mea­sures – believe it or not – surf­ing on the inter­net could con­tribute great­ly to a more sus­tain­able environment.

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