For Thanksgiving, let’s do without turkeys, these beautiful birds that Benjamin Franklin called “true American originals.” Well, a lot of good that did them! More than 46 million are killed each year at Thanksgiving alone.
Ben Franklin admired their resourcefulness, agility, and beauty. In nature, turkeys can fly 55 miles an hour, run 25 miles an hour, and live up to four years. Yet turkeys raised for food are killed at the age of 5 months and – during their short lives – will be denied even the simplest pleasures, such as running, building nests, and raising their young.
But let’s not only think about turkeys, let’s also think about ourselves.
Turkey meat contains more fat and cholesterol than you’d like to see on your hips (now that you just got rid of the Corona bulges). Just one homemade patty of cooked turkey contains a whopping 244 mg of cholesterol, and half of its calories come from fat. One more thing that’s truly unappetizing: Turkey is frequently tainted with salmonella, bacteria, and other contaminants. And who of us would like to eat some antibiotic-resistant supergerms!
Now that I’ve successfully spoiled your appetite, let’s look at some vegetarian and vegan alternatives.
Here comes a recipe for Tofurkey that, despite its name, is not made from tofu but is wheat-based:

And if you’re not into Tofurkeys, I’ve located a website with 14 free, mouth-watering vegan turkey alternatives: Surely, there’s one that will tempt you.
Let’s think of those giant, two-legged, feathered birds and not invite them this year!
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