The Fault in Our Stars 

By Daria Radler

Taken from: Grace Lances­ter will nev­er be a nor­mal teenag­er. She doesn’t know that peo­ple don’t do pot but smoke it, or what it feels like to par­ty the night away at a club with a fake ID. There is a swing set in her gar­den that hasn’t been used in years. Hazel was diag­nosed with ter­mi­nal thy­roid can­cer that even­tu­al­ly metas­ta­sized to her lungs when she was thir­teen. Her real­i­ty con­sists of con­stant­ly car­ry­ing an oxy­gen tank, rou­tine check-ups at the hos­pi­tal, watch­ing real­i­ty shows, and going to her sup­port group. While, at first, sup­port group sounds like the least enjoy­able activ­i­ty, Hazel soon meets Augus­tus Waters, who has lost his leg to osteosar­co­ma but is “on a roller­coast­er that only goes up.” They con­nect, they talk – talk a lot, about their dreams and fears, about books and obliv­ion – and fall in love grad­u­al­ly but nonethe­less intensively.

The Fault in Our Stars is the wide­ly acclaimed sixth nov­el by con­tem­po­rary author for young adults, John Green. First pub­lished in Jan­u­ary 2012, the nov­el has now been turned into a motion pic­ture. Hilar­i­ous­ly fun­ny yet deeply touch­ing, Green intro­duces the read­er to the world of a six­teen-year-old can­cer patient with­out turn­ing it into a typ­i­cal melo­dra­mat­ic can­cer sto­ry. An inter­play of wit and thought-pro­vok­ing lines lets read­ers con­nect to the main pro­tag­o­nists, mak­ing them smile, laugh, and cry – almost simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. 316 pages lat­er, we are emo­tion­al­ly cut open but left with the beau­ti­ful real­iza­tion that some infini­ties are indeed big­ger than others.

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