Tag Archives: Brain Science

Storytelling: Of Geniuses and Maps

By Kai-Arne Zimny

What makes a piece of fic­tion suc­cess­ful, apart from a good por­tion of luck? Well, some writ­ers deem the craft of ‘plot­ting’ essen­tial for cre­at­ing fic­tion that goes some­where, while oth­ers pre­fer to write from the seat of their pants and are like­ly to dread the prospect of their art being any­thing less than inspi­ra­tion, tal­ent, and vision.

Let me intro­duce you to two writ­ing guides that might offer some per­spec­tive on the ini­tial ques­tion. First, let’s vis­it some­one who claims that both ‘pantsers’ and plot­ters are on the wrong track because …

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