Tag Archives: Covid-19

Teen Nonprofits Find Solutions during Covid-19 Pandemic

By Anvitha Reddy, Charlotte Heuser, and Emma Dircks

Pho­to Cred­it: The Young-ish Entre­pre­neurs by SDI Productions/Getty Images

In the mid­dle of a Covid-19 lock­down packed with dis­tance learn­ing dif­fi­cul­ties, teach­ers at the Schmal­ka­lden Ele­men­tary School in Thuringia, Ger­many, learned that the dig­i­tal tool they had been using didn’t meet the country’s strict data-pri­va­cy restric­tions. “A par­ent at the school asked whether I could devel­op a pro­gram from scratch over the week­end,” said Math­ias Wick­en­hagen, a 20-year-old pro­gram­mer in the neigh­bor­hood. “And I did.”

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Homeschooling and the Pandemic

By Mukta Dharmapurikar, Johanna Eichler, and Aaron Ming Meyer

While her neigh­bors rush down the street to catch the school bus, 14-year-old Lilah Had­den starts her school day at home. After spend­ing the morn­ing on math and cre­ative writ­ing with her moth­er, she takes a vio­lin class online, fin­ish­ing her day with inde­pen­dent read­ing. For two years now, home­school­ing has worked well for her. “I’m get­ting to … learn more of what I actu­al­ly want to learn about,” Lilah says, not­ing that she’s par­tic­u­lar­ly pas­sion­ate about music. But if it weren’t for the pan­dem­ic, the idea to school at home would nev­er have crossed her mind.

Covid-19 forced stu­dents around the globe to learn with­out phys­i­cal­ly going to school, as entire states and coun­tries went through long peri­ods of lock­down. It’s sparked new inter­est in home­school­ing alter­na­tives in places rang­ing from Des Moines, Iowa, to Ham­burg, Ger­many, where home­school­ing has been banned for over a cen­tu­ry. Stu­dents have dis­cov­ered that alter­na­tive school arrange­ments can offer more flex­i­bil­i­ty to man­age dif­fer­ences, pan­dem­ic stress, and distractions.

Home­school­ing — Gustoff fam­i­ly in Des Moines

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A Project Seminar in Times of Covid-19

By Maria Moss

Project sem­i­nars are always chal­leng­ing. Since they involve more work than a tra­di­tion­al sem­i­nar, they often attract those types of stu­dents who enjoy a good chal­lenge and want to cre­ate some­thing last­ing. Dur­ing the sum­mer semes­ter 2020, it was no dif­fer­ent. Well, at least dur­ing the plan­ning phase. But then Covid-19 hit. With­in three weeks, we had to trans­form our sem­i­nar to remote learn­ing. There was much to learn, and the eco­crit­i­cal project I had envi­sioned took a major detour into the unknown. Orig­i­nal­ly, I had planned – as I had done in past semes­ters – to have stu­dents cre­ate dif­fer­ent projects on cam­pus or in and around Lüneb­urg, for exam­ple gueril­la gar­den­ing or var­i­ous instal­la­tions (for which we often need­ed the university’s per­mis­sion). How­ev­er, dur­ing a lock down in which we were only sup­posed to leave our homes to go to work, the doc­tor, or the super­mar­ket, I quick­ly knew that tried-and-true recipes for a suc­cess­ful project sem­i­nar would not work. So what could we do?

Well, it wasn’t long after explain­ing the predica­ment to my stu­dents that they came up with an idea. And a great idea it was.

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