Tag Archives: Jennifer Kronovet

2020 Haiku Contest

Compiled by the U.S. Consulate General Leipzig

“bro­ken win­dow” by Ilias Theodoropoulos

Just last month, the U.S. Con­sulate Gen­er­al Leipzig orga­nized a Haiku con­test for both high school and uni­ver­si­ty stu­dents. The mot­to for this cre­ative writ­ing chal­lenge was “Look­ing out­side – Look­ing inside,” that is, notic­ing the con­nec­tions between the change in sea­son and the change in one’s inter­nal land­scape. Stu­dents were asked to put their thoughts and feel­ings into a Haiku con­sist­ing of three lines and 17 syl­la­bles in total.

The con­sulate received about 100 sub­mis­sions from eight Ger­man states and places as far away as Nige­ria. Amer­i­can poet and now also haiku con­test judge, Jen­nifer Kro­novet, select­ed 10 of her favorite Haikus and com­ment­ed on her top three.

The blog edi­tors con­grat­u­late all win­ners. Keep up the good work!

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