Tag Archives: Poetry

50 Minutes That Make a Name

By Johanna Gabriela Hernández Schäfer

“’What’s in a name?’” by jack dorsey

I’m named after my grand­fa­thers: Johann and Juan. My name is Johan­na. Through­out my life, I’ve met many Johan­nas. At my uni­ver­si­ty alone, I know near­ly a dozen. It’s led to fun­ny and to con­fus­ing sit­u­a­tions, but it’s always been some­thing to con­nect over. On their own, my names are noth­ing to brag about: Johan­na. Gabriela. Hernán­dez. Schäfer. Johan­na and Schäfer are com­mon names in Ger­many, Gabriela and Hernán­dez are typ­i­cal Peru­vian names. Only togeth­er are they spe­cial. Only togeth­er are they me. But – had I been born 50 min­utes ear­li­er, my name might have been Paula (find out why at the end of the poem).

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2020 Haiku Contest

Compiled by the U.S. Consulate General Leipzig

“bro­ken win­dow” by Ilias Theodoropoulos

Just last month, the U.S. Con­sulate Gen­er­al Leipzig orga­nized a Haiku con­test for both high school and uni­ver­si­ty stu­dents. The mot­to for this cre­ative writ­ing chal­lenge was “Look­ing out­side – Look­ing inside,” that is, notic­ing the con­nec­tions between the change in sea­son and the change in one’s inter­nal land­scape. Stu­dents were asked to put their thoughts and feel­ings into a Haiku con­sist­ing of three lines and 17 syl­la­bles in total.

The con­sulate received about 100 sub­mis­sions from eight Ger­man states and places as far away as Nige­ria. Amer­i­can poet and now also haiku con­test judge, Jen­nifer Kro­novet, select­ed 10 of her favorite Haikus and com­ment­ed on her top three.

The blog edi­tors con­grat­u­late all win­ners. Keep up the good work!

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A Changing Mindset: Teaching “A Mown Lawn” by Lydia Davis

By Sabrina Völz

Thurs­day, Jan. 23, 2020 (10:47 a.m.)
Lydia Davis (1947- ) is a lover of lan­guage and an Amer­i­can writer, prob­a­bly in that order. She’s best known for her min­i­mal­ist writ­ing style and works of brevi­ty (short sto­ries, flash fic­tion, and nar­ra­tives made up of only a cou­ple of lines). One of my favorite prose poems is “A Mown Lawn.” It is lit­er­al­ly one-of‑a kind. Well, almost. I think Davis wrote two polit­i­cal pieces, of which “A Mown Lawn” is one. If you aren’t famil­iar with it, please read it, oth­er­wise this blog might not make sense (see image below).
As some of our loy­al read­ers might recall, my col­league Maria Moss has writ­ten sev­er­al blogs on how to teach poet­ry, includ­ing “Stop­ping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost and Haikus. But I’m not like her. To be hon­est, I’m some­what leery of the long faces stu­dents often make when they hear the word ‘poet­ry.’ Deter­mined to give it a try, I pre­pared a les­son that would hope­ful­ly help my stu­dents appre­ci­ate Davis’s poem, engage with the top­ics, and think about lan­guage – the pow­er of lan­guage, or should I say, the lack there­of? Any­way, here are my notes:

12:10 p.m.
Off to class. Let’s see how it goes.
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