Tag Archives: Representation

We Own the Majority: Mayans M.C. Brings Drama, Representation, and Larger-Than-Life Grit

By Hannah Quinque

Pho­to by Ste­qvc at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MayansMC.png#/media/File:MayansMC.png.

FX’s Mayans M.C. is a dra­ma series show­cas­ing a world of guns and drugs around a bik­er gang in SoCal, right at the US-Mex­i­can bor­der. Can a set­ting rid­dled with stereo­types present a back­drop for desir­able rep­re­sen­ta­tion with its prin­ci­pal­ly Mex­i­can Amer­i­can (Chi­cano) char­ac­ters? Let’s look beyond the basic premise and find out how Mayans M.C., for all its machis­mo, tells tales full of life sel­dom fea­tured, off- as well as on-screen.

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Role Models: Can Quotas Help Get More Women into Leadership?

By Iliana Garner, Philipp Rieß, and Thora-Marit Bilz

Pho­to Cred­it: “Board­room” by Evening_T/Getty Images

Women rep­re­sen­ta­tion on cor­po­rate boards remains a prob­lem in many coun­tries around the world. Yet the intro­duc­tion of quo­tas to address this issue has caused debates among cur­rent and future leaders.

Nor­way was the first coun­try to intro­duce bind­ing quo­tas for women on cor­po­rate boards back in 2003, and the ini­tia­tive has been suc­cess­ful. But the recent pas­sage of a law to enforce the women’s quo­ta in Ger­many, after ear­li­er efforts didn’t seem to lead to the intend­ed con­se­quences, has reignit­ed debate about the pros and cons of quo­tas for women in the U.S. and Europe alike. “When women are not rep­re­sent­ed at the lead­er­ship table, then it’s hard for women to be rep­re­sent­ed as con­sumers of your brands,” says Robin Vogel, 56, vice pres­i­dent of glob­al strate­gic sourc­ing at the Amer­i­can can­dy com­pa­ny Mars, Inc. Hav­ing majored in engi­neer­ing at col­lege, Vogel knows first-hand how under­rep­re­sent­ed women are in cer­tain fields. But through­out her career, she just pushed on. “Walk­ing into a meet­ing room where the major­i­ty of the atten­dees are men may have impacts on a num­ber of women,” she admits. “Frankly, I got used to it.”

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