Tag Archives: Indigenous People

Teaching Native North America: A Continuing Challenge

By Christoph Strobel

Intel­lec­tu­al lega­cies of col­o­niza­tion play a pow­er­ful role in shap­ing how main­stream U.S. and glob­al soci­ety has come to see Native Amer­i­cans. Art­work from the 19th and 20th cen­turies – such as James Ear­le Fraser’s sculp­ture, “The End of the Trail” – have helped to cre­ate the image of Native Amer­i­cans on horse­back as rep­re­sen­ta­tions most asso­ci­at­ed with Indige­nous pop­u­la­tions of North Amer­i­ca. Type “Native Amer­i­can” into a search engine, and you’ll like­ly get many his­tor­i­cal images of Great Plains Indi­ans. In parts of Europe as well, the per­cep­tion of Native Amer­i­cans has been shaped in unique ways by authors like Karl May and the lat­er movies based on his books. With­out a doubt, our stu­dents’ per­cep­tions about Native Amer­i­cans are influ­enced by these fan­tasies and representations.

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11 Years of “Maple Leaf & Stars and Stripes” at Leuphana University Lüneburg

We are pleased to announce that Dar­i­on Akins, the cur­rent U.S. Con­sul Gen­er­al from Ham­burg, will open our lec­ture series with a talk on “Worth the Strug­gle: Why Democ­ra­cy Mat­ters” at 6:15 p.m. in the forum of Leuphana Uni­ver­si­ty Lüneburg’s cen­tral build­ing (C40) on Novem­ber 18, 2021. The coro­n­avirus 3G rule (vac­ci­nat­ed, recov­ered, test­ed) applies to this event.

In addi­tion to the lec­ture on cam­pus, Julia Nitz (Uni­ver­sität Halle-Wit­ten­berg), Christoph Stro­bel (Uni­ver­si­ty of Mass­a­chu­setts, Low­ell), and Fiona Tolan (Liv­er­pool John Moores Uni­ver­si­ty) will also join us this semes­ter via Zoom. As always, each lec­ture lasts rough­ly 1 hour and is either inter­ac­tive or fol­lowed by a live­ly ques­tion-and-answer ses­sion. Please see the poster for fur­ther details.

Hope to see you at one or more of the talks.

Sab­ri­na Völz, Maryann Henck, and Maria Moss

ASB 2019 Contest Winner in the Category “Access America”

By Pune Karimi


From left to right: Amer­i­can author Peter Worts­man, Pune Kari­mi, and ASB edi­tor, Dr. Sab­ri­na Völz. Pho­to cred­it: Hen­rike Kattoll

On behalf of the Amer­i­can Stud­ies Blog, we would like to extend our sin­cer­est con­grat­u­la­tions to Pune Kari­mi whose win­ning entry in the 2019 ASB con­test in the cat­e­go­ry “Access Amer­i­ca” can be read below. Although the Amer­i­can Stud­ies Blog does not usu­al­ly print polit­i­cal pieces, we felt that the win­ning blog voic­es a point of view large­ly absent from Amer­i­can pol­i­tics and media, and, there­fore, deserves to be heard. We hope it gives you some food for thought.


Pres­i­den­tial Elec­tions 2020 – Still No Coun­try for Indige­nous People


“Repub­li­can Ele­phant & Demo­c­ra­t­ic Don­key – Icons” by DonkeyHotey

While Repub­li­cans have made it abun­dant­ly clear that they have lit­tle desire to improve the lives of peo­ple of col­or or mar­gin­al­ized groups, Democ­rats have often prid­ed them­selves on fight­ing for the dis­ad­van­taged. Still – hard­ly ever have the rights of Indige­nous peo­ple been a top­ic dur­ing the U.S. pres­i­den­tial elec­tions, and it seems unlike­ly that this is going to change any time soon. At least that’s what it looked like dur­ing the first Demo­c­ra­t­ic debates.

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